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If I Could Sell My Home in 60 Days, I would...

Debbie Kirkland

Debbie Kirkland started First Story Real Estate Company because she saw a need for radical changes in the real estate space...

Debbie Kirkland started First Story Real Estate Company because she saw a need for radical changes in the real estate space...

Jul 3 3 minutes read

Would you do what it takes to sell your home in 60 days?

LISTING a home is easy. SELLING a home in an art.  

How many times have you heard of people selling their homes and using a Realtor that they simply found on the Internet,  saw in a magazine, called off of a sign or simply bumped into at a party?  Sometimes, that experience is a win. More often than not, however, it can be a disappointment at best and a disaster at it's worse.

First, we ask you, who would you trust with your largest financial asset? Would it be a friend of a friend of a cousin's friend's sister?  Would it be the agent on the interstate billboards? Would it be the State worker who dabbles in real estate "just for friends?"   There are a lot of ways to find real estate agents, but finding a Realtor(R), with a solid reputation and reliable references is worth your time... and ultimately your money. So if you aren't planning to carefully select a professional steward of your property... just stop here - don't read any further. We wish you luck!  If you are serious.. and want to know how to sell your home in 60 days, continue reading. 

So, you think you want to sell... where do you begin? You haven't updated your home in 15 years and your son's room still smells like his high-school locker room. Your yard used to look great... before you both started working and the twins came along. Now, the neighbors call it Jurrasic Park.. You own two homes and are just tired of maintaining them both.  Maybe you just want to sell the farm and move into a condo at the beach and you need the money to do!  Any of these scenarios sound familiar? We've been there!

There are really only 3 questions we have for homeowners who really want to sell their homes:

  1.  What are your short and long term goals?
  2.  How much are you willing to do to ready your home for sale, and
  3. What is the right price, and the right time to put your home on the market?

Those are just 3 steps, but there are a few days if not weeks involved in the answering those questions. Will the fly-by-night agent be able to really help you, or, will you carefully select a professional Realtor(R)  to guide you through every step, before, during and after your real estate sale?  At First Story, we think your money matters. We think your time matters. We think you matter.  

What do you think?  If you could sell your home in 60 days.... what would you do next?  Click the button on this post, let's talk about it.

How Can I Sell My Home In 60 Days?